Podcast – The Journey To Damascus


When they pierced our Lord in His side, it was not so much what came out, it was so that we could enter in. We are His Beloved and He has accepted us, so there is no need for the fig leaves, the false coverings, “The Mask“. The Lord wants to De-Mask-Us on this journey to Damascus.


2017 Thanks-Living Jar



My mother, Margaret and I have a devotional time almost every morning. One morning I was speaking to her about my concerns regarding the number of Christians who do not express gratitude. Mom then proceeded to tell me a story she had read about a woman who has a Thanks-Living Jar. Every day the woman would write a brief statement of gratitude on a slip of paper. She then placed the paper in a jar, folding it ever so neatly. No blessing was too small. She thanked the Lord for all He had done for her. At the end of each year the woman took out all the examples of the Lord’s blessings; carefully reading each one. The reminders of the Lord’s many blessings throughout the year brought her great joy. She could begin a new year of gratitude starting with GIVING THANKS for the many blessings of the previous year.

Daughters, let us each begin our own Thanks-Living Jar this year. May we take on the mentality of the Psalmist in Psalms 106:1. “Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His Love endures forever.” Let us be the Lord’s THANKS – LIVING DAUGHTERS. May we be FOREVER GRATEFUL to Him.




Early In The Morning We Seek You!



As the deer longs for streams of water, so does our souls longs for You, O Lord our Redeemer. Early in the morning we seek You because we need You every second of our day. We are asking You God to lead and guide us into all ‘Truth.’ Lord we ask You to keep showing favor to Your land and restore its fortune back. Thank You Lord, for not holding our past generational sins against us; may Your mercy come quickly to meet us, when we are in trouble. Each morning we bring our requests to You and wait with great expectations for an answer. We will continue to look up to the hills from where all of our help comes from. Our help comes from You O Lord who made heaven and earth. We wait patiently! Under God’s Care In 2017!

(Psalm 42:1-2, 84:2, 85:1-2, 79:8-9, 5:2-4, 121:1-2; Numbers 14:19; Isaiah 40:31:+)


-Lynn A.